How Many Weeks Has It Been Now?

It's only our tenth week of classes? I don't know about anyone else, but it feels like our semester should be over by now. My body and mind feel the same level of exhaustion and depletion they do when a semester ends, but we have five more weeks left. It is not FAIR!

We are 10 weeks in now, so it's the point of the semester when everything gets chaotic and busy. We have a ton of assignments/projects do. I have to memorize a scene for my Shakespeare class. I need to memorize my songs for voice lessons. I need to practice my dances for dance evaluations and getting them to the level I want them to be at before I record them for a dance reel. I am assistant directing the musical Ohio Northern University is putting on this semester which takes a lot of my evening time. I am also dancing in a pop-up performance put on by the dance department, called "Windowed Pain," which we've been rehearsing the last couple of weeks and premieres this weekend.

It feels like I work all week and then on the weekends I have more work to do because I have to go grocery shopping to survive the next week. I try to meal prep to make my week slightly easier. I catch up on projects/memorization. I maintain my workout schedule. I still have rehearsals.

I am just exhausted. I have no other words. I tried to think of anything else to write this blog post about, but my brain is too fried to function beyond venting about how a semester with no breaks has affected me. What is motivating me through this is the knowledge that soon enough I will have a seven week break and not have to worry about assignments and projects. I hope you are all surviving this crazy semester! At the end of the day, at least Dan DiBiasio was kind enough to give us these nifty shirts for making it through 10 weeks of school (pictured above).


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