Tech Week and I'm Tired
I simply do not want to be typing this blog post. I'm doing it because I am almost at a 90% in this class and I don't want to lose an easy ten points by simply neglecting an assignment. Instead of ignoring my blogging responsibility for the week, I decided to use this time to write about not wanting to do it in the first place, as this is all I can think about right now. How meta of me to write this blog post about not wanting to write one at all! I am currently on a break during my last rehearsal for "Blocked!" The show opens tomorrow, and both casts are rehearsing tonight and running the show one last time. The show is double cast because there are only four characters in the show and the department wanted more than four people to get an opportunity to perform. Tech week is the week where all the technical aspects are introduced to a show. Usually these aspects include lights, sound, the orchestra, costumes, hair, makeup, etc. However, for our online show, the acto...